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1990 - 1991

Attends his first protests against the Gulf War.  Has his first encounter with police during a protest outside a venue where President George Bush (Sr.) was speaking.  He is hit with police batons and pepper spray as the police attempt to maintain control of the protest.



Volunteer organizer for People for Animal Rights, a local animal welfare organization based in Portland, OR.  Here he began to make the connection between human and environmental/animal movements.



Co-founded and served as director of Liberation Collective, a 501 (c)(3) non-profit organization based in Portland.  The group worked to educate the public on the commonalities involved with differing peace and justice movements. In February of that year in Seattle, he took part in his first act of civil disobedience, being one of five people locked together by their necks with bicycle locks, blockading the entrance to the Seattle Fur Exchange.  The action erupted into a sizable news story and gave him his first glimpse of life behind bars and in the court system. Later that year he would again be involved in a blockade, this time with his neck locked to a steering wheel of one of two cars closing the main entrance to the Oregon Regional Primate Research Center in Beaverton, OR. Once again, extended media coverage of the event brought education of the atrocities committed by the primate facility.



Attended national protests in Davis, CA against the California Regional Primate Research Center. Police used batons to hold the crowd back from the facility and Craig was one of thirty-two people beaten and arrested.  News of the protest and issue went international. Back in Portland, he helped organize and take part in protests against feline research at Legacy Health System, Nike's use of sweatshop labor, fur stores, environmental destruction, consumerism and in support of political prisoners. He additionally cooked and fed vegetarian meals weekly to the homeless during 1997-1998. Between 1996 and 1999, Craig was arrested across the country a dozen times for non-violent civil disobedience in support of peace and justice causes.


During this year, Craig also worked as a national organizer for the National Protest Tour of the Seven Regional Primate Centers in the United States and co-organized a national conference against animal experimentation held in Portland.


Also this year, Craig began acting as a spokesperson for the Animal Liberation Front and later for the Earth Liberation Front. In the latter half of the year he began to be questioned by the FBI ad BATF about his connections to the ALF and ELF. He received his first of eight federal grand jury subpoenas commanding him to appear in on September 17th.  A second subpoena would follow forcing him to re-appear in front of the federal grand jury on December 17th. From the beginning he has refused to cooperate with authorities and assist in their investigations. With each refusal of cooperation in the grand jury investigations, he faced up to eighteen months in prison for contempt of court.



Co-organizer of an international conference held in Portland against animal experimentation.  Co-founder of the Coalition to End Primate Experimentation (CEPE). Craig received another federal grand jury subpoena forcing him to submit to FBI fingerprinting on January 28th. During the year, he continued forwarding communications from the ELF to national news media. On December 20th of this year, the New York Times Sunday Magazine profiled Craig in a feature piece entitled, "The Face of EcoTerrorism."  En route to a speaking engagement at a conference in Florida, the van Craig was riding in was surrounded by heavily armed FBI agents. Craig and the other occupants were forced at gunpoint to lay face down in the middle of a Boca Raton street while agents ransacked the van for over an hour.



National Organizer for the Primate Freedom Tour - a three month long protest caravan that visited primate research facilities across the United States, holding teach-ins, protests, news conferences, and vigils. On October 15th of this year, Craig had his arm broken by the Portland Police during a protest in support of political prisoner Mumia Abu Jamal. After being found not-guilty on false charges stemming from this arrest, he brought a civil suit against the City of Portland and won an out-of-court settlement.



Craig left the Liberation Collective organization to co-form the North American Earth Liberation Front Press Office (NAELFPO).  On February 2nd, his home and former office were raided by the FBI, BATF, US Forest Service, and Michigan State University police.  Thousands of dollars in property were seized and never returned. During the raid, Craig received another subpoena to testify before a federal grand jury on February 29th. The U.S. Attorneys Office successfully files an Order Compelling Testimony against Craig, forcing him to answer questions or face up to eighteen months in prison for contempt. One week later the FBI issued him a letter officially declaring him a target of the grand jury investigation. On April 19th, after Craig sent out an email call to action nationwide in protest of the grand jury harassment, Rep. George Radanovich and Rep. Don Young sent Attorney General Janet Reno a letter seeking additional protection for federal buildings and urging her to have the Justice Department use the Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organization (RICO) laws against Craig. He is once again forced to appear before the grand jury on May 24th. During the year, Craig divided his time between working at the press office, at the vegan baking company he ran, and lecturing at universities and conferences. The FBI declares the ELF the number one domestic terrorism threat in the United States.



On April 5th of this year, the FBI, ATF, and Oregon State Police raid Craig's house and business seizing, once again, thousands of dollars in property.  He receives another federal grand jury subpoena commanding him to appear on April 18th. Additionally, he co-organized of a National Day of Action Against State Repression. Similar to the previous year, his time is spent working with the press office, his baking company, and lecturing. On September 5th, Craig officially stepped down as a press officer for the ELF, believing that a refocusing of strategies and tactics needed to occur to fully promote justice in the United States. On October 31st, US Marshals serve him with a subpoena to testify before the US Congress in a special House Resources Subcommittee hearing on "Ecoterrorism" scheduled in February 2002.



On February 12th of this year, Craig appears in Washington, DC in front of Congress. He issues Congress a twelve page written statement condemning the US Government as one of the most horrific terrorist organizations in planetary history. During the hearing, he pleads the Fifth and remains silent to 54 out of 56 questions, effectively stonewalling the hearing. Rep. Scott McInnis (CO), threatens Craig with contempt and promises to send follow-up questions that must be answered. Days later, Craig, alongside his attorney Stu Sugarman, respond with non-cooperation to the follow-up questions. The hearing is a failure. Craig spends the rest of the year lecturing and finishing graduate school.


Also this year, Craig is approached by a “Book Packager” by the name of Robert Eringer wanting Craig to agree to write a book about the ELF. Craig agrees, signs a book deal and works closely with Eringer and his editor "Frank" for nearly a year. After becoming increasingly suspicious, Craig learns these men were frauds . Eringer had been working with ex-head of covert operations for the CIA Clair George in an undercover security and counterintelligence firm. However starting in 1993, Eringer worked for a decade on a covert mission for FBI Counterintelligence. Realizing it was a plot to get him to reveal his knowledge of the ELF, Craig immediately terminated the relationship.



Craig is a co-founder of Arissa Media Group this year, a publishing company focusing on works petaining to social and political justice. In the latter part of the year, he begins working on Calendula Cafe - a vegan organic restaurant in Portland. Craig's first book is published, The Logic of Political Violence.



Craig opens Calendula Cafe in January of this year.  In response to the Portland Police killing another unarmed citizen, Craig assists in organizing a march to the mayor's house, demanding accountability. He spends most of the year working at the restaurant and dealing with community infighting and liberal backlash. Calendula is named one of the top 14 vegetarian restaurants in North America by VegNews magazine. Craig's second book, Burning Rage of a Dying Planet is published.



He spends most of the year working at the restaurant. Resulting from community backlash and internal issues within the company, the restaurant closes in September. It was later revealed that the employee who had instigated the charges against Rosebraugh had previously told other employees at work her first day that she was out to get Rosebraugh and take the restaurant down.



In January, Craig learns he will be subpoenaed by the federal government as a material witness in their "Green Scare" investigation against the ALF and ELF. On February 14th he receives his eighth subpoena to testify before a federal grand jury.  He is commanded to appear in Eugene, Oregon on March 16 to testify before the same grand jury that indicted eleven people in January on charges relating to the ELF. Craig's grand jury date is postponed and he will have to appear on August 17, 2006. Shortly before the August 17 date arrives, Craig learns his subpoena has been again called off and that he may now be a target of the “Green Scare” grand jury investigation. During the year Craig writes and completes his first screenplay.



Craig’s screenplay, “Burning Rage of a Dying Planet (One Earth)” is a quarter-finalist in the Francis Ford Coppola Zoetrope International Screenplay Competition.


Craig begins law school at Arizona State University College of Law.


Craig is a co-founder and becomes a board member of Responsible Education and Media, a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization combining art and entertainment to present a factual analysis of social and political justice issues. Craig's screenplay, One Earth, is a quarter-finalist in the Phoenix Film Festival screenplay competition. Also in 2009, Craig is the contributing editor to, This Country Must Change: Essays on the Necessity of Revolution in the USA.  Additionally, Craig becomes the managing editor of Resistance Magazine,  Journal of the Earth Liberation Movement and successfully acquires distribution in newsstands across the U.S. and Canada.



Craig obtains an initial 2,000+ pages of his FBI file detailing years of surveillance and repression campaigns targeting him by the agency.



After working on the case for three years, Craig is instrumental in securing the release of an African American man from state prison in Arizona after the man had served 23 years of an unjust 50 year sentence stemming from minor drug charges. Also that year, Craig is an Executive Producer of the film Two Americans, that profiles families impacted by Sheriff Joe Arpaio’s immigration policies in Arizona.



Craig produces, directs and co-writes the feature documentary film, Greedy Lying Bastards. After winning numerous awards on the festival circuit, the film was released theatrically to critics acclaim in the U.S., Canada and U.K. The film went on to receive distribution from Warner Brothers, international digital and physical distribution and worldwide network television release.



Craig earns a Master of Laws degree (LL.M.) from the University of California, Los Angeles.



Craig files a federal lawsuit against the U.S. Department of Justice for wrongfully withholding and failing to provide Craig’s FBI file.



Craig prevails out of court in his suit against the U.S. Department of Justice. The FBI admits to his file containing 7,876 pages and agrees to release copies of the file during the course of the next year.



In June of this year, the FBI admits to Craig's file having another 13,540 pages, bringing the total page count to over 21,000. The FBI agrees to continue processing and releasing copies of the file during the next two years.





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