New York Times and New York Times Sunday Magazine, National Geographic, Inc. Magazine, Los Angeles Times, Denver Post, Seattle Times, Maxim, Details, Rolling Stone, The Guardian, Christian Science Monitor, USA Today, Time, Newsweek, Village Voice, Outside Magazine, National Public Radio, 60 Minutes, 20/20, Focus Earth, The Today Show, Court TV, CBS/NBC/ABC Evening News, Fox News, CNN, Current TV, PBS Nova/Frontline, and Dateline Australia.
Burning Rage of a Dying Planet - The FBI vs. the Earth Liberation Front
CSPAN, August 27, 2024
Activist Craig Rosebraugh discussed his experience as spokesperson for the Earth Liberation Front and the effectiveness of political violence. Powell’s Books in Portland, Oregon, hosted this event.
Former Portland environmental rights activist reveals failed FBI sting
Portland Tribune, August 21, 2024​
"Instead, in 2002, Rosebraugh was approached by an FBI operative and agent claiming to be literary insiders wanting to publish his story. The first claimed to be a “book packager,” which he described as someone who connects people with interesting personal stories to publishers. No such position actually exists in the publishing world. Nevertheless, they talked Rosebraugh into being paid to write the first draft of his book, then tried to pressure him into rewriting it with additional inside information on the members of ELF that he did not actually know."
The Case of the Eco-Terrorists and the Book Deal
New York Times, February 6, 2023
"When Craig Rosebraugh got involved with the Earth Liberation Front, he had no idea the twists his story would take."
The Rise and Fall of America's Environmentalist Underground
New York Times Magazine, May 26, 2022
"A week later, Craig Rosebraugh, a vegan baker in Portland, found an odd-looking note in the mailbox of an activist group where he volunteered. The letter — which appeared to have been written with deliberate sloppiness — denounced the Cavel West plant’s role in horse slaughter and claimed its destruction was the work of a new group of radical environmentalists. Believing the group wanted their message shared with the world, Rosebraugh released it to the media. For years, he would receive regular communications from the ELF, eventually becoming a kind of spokesman for the group."
Deadline, September 14, 2021
"Set to launch on September 23rd from Emmy Award-winner Adam R. Wood, the film will explore the two sides to the Enright story. Some thought he was a selfless hero battling America’s most insidious enemy; others saw him as a hot-tempered narcissist, staging a publicity stunt to further his career. Either way, when his ‘service’ ended, neither the UK nor the U.S. welcomed him back."
Deadline, November 10, 2020
"The film, which is exec produced by Reardon, Harrison Land, Rob Burk, and produced by Craig Rosebraugh, Matthew Einstein and Adam R. Wood, who also directs, features interviews with the actor, his supporters, and his detractors with the actor’s own helmet-cam video of deadly battles with and interrogations of ISIS fighters."
The Intercept, March 23, 2019
"Less than a week after the law’s passage, Craig Rosebraugh, a spokesperson for ELF and ALF, received a subpoena to testify before members of Congress at a hearing on eco-terrorism. Rosebraugh had been profiled in news articles as the face of the movement, even though his role was to publish anonymous communiques rather than conduct acts of sabotage."
Once the 'Face of Eco-Terrorism,' former Portlander Craig Rosebraugh is now lawyer, filmmaker
January 10, 2019
"The man once dubbed "The Face of Eco-Terrorism," who cheered tree-hugging arsonists and thwarted FBI efforts to catch them -- stubbornly taking the Fifth before federal grand juries and an extremely annoyed congressional panel -- is now a red-blooded American lawyer."
Greedy Lying Bastards – review
The Guardian, September 26, 2013
"Craig Scott Rosebraugh's vigorous, knockabout film is in the manner of that polemicist whose name provokes fury among the right and supporters of the Iraq war: Michael Moore. It is a splenetic, satiric attack on the formidable PR forces, spurious thinktanks and talking heads being mobilised in the US to attack the idea of man-made global warming."
Film Review: ‘Greedy, Lying Bastards’
Variety, March 8, 2013
"Rosebraugh, however, focuses less on the issue of global warming itself and more on the deniers and their big-money backers. He scores points by contrasting his film’s emotional title with the temperate rationality of his talking-head scientists."
Film targets climate-change deniers
Politico, March 8, 2013
"Rosebraugh says he grew frustrated at seeing climate change deniers on television” who really went to town in trying to confuse the public and politicians but just bringing doubt about whether climate change is real and, to some degree, they’ve succeeded.”
‘Greedy Lying Bastards’ movie review
March 7, 2013
At the front of the line leading to Rosebraugh’s gallows are the Koch brothers, David and Charles, industrialists and conservative activists who contribute heavily to what Rosebraugh calls the climate denial propaganda machine.
Daryl Hannah Boards 'Greedy Lying Bastards' Documentary as Executive Producer
Hollywood Reporter, February 7, 2012
"Craig Rosebraugh's film is an investigation of the influence the fossil fuel industry has had on the political process and efforts to combat climate change."
The Rise and Fall of the Eco-Radical Underground
Rolling Stone
"When they were done, they mailed the communiqué to Craig Rosebraugh, a vegan activist living in Portland who had a reputation as an uncompromising radical. Although Rosebraugh wasn’t a member of the cell, he recognized that he was being offered the role of spokesman for the ELF and sent the communiqué to every news outlet in the state."
Nonfiction Book Review: Burning Rage of a Dying Planet, Speaking for the Earth Liberation Front
Publisher's Weekly
For five years the aboveground face of the underground environmental group Earth Liberation Front (ELF), Rosebraugh is a man of unrepentant revolutionary convictions.
Environmentalist invokes Fifth Amendment
The House Resources Subcommittee on Forests and Forests Health subpoenaed Craig Rosebraugh to appear and discuss activities of both ELF and the Animal Liberation Front. The former spokesman for the radical environmental group, Earth Liberation Front, invoked his Fifth Amendment right to protect himself from self-incrimination in refusing to testify before a House committee examining the growing use of violence in environmental efforts.
R.I.P. PIIAC: City Council denied appeal from an abused activist
Portland Mercury
"Craig Rosebraugh is perhaps the most infamous environmental activist in Portland, if not the entire Northwest. As the former spokesperson for the firebrand Earth Liberation Front, Rosebraugh has spent plenty of time defending anarchy in front of media microphones and cameras. But on Halloween, Rosebraugh sat earnestly in front of City Council and petitioned for justice, fairness, and order from the local police."
New York Times
"Craig Rosebraugh stands out in Portland -- among activists, at least -- as the guy who spoke up on behalf of the Earth Liberation Front, a group that, through Rosebraugh, took credit for burning down a mountaintop ski resort in Vail in October in the name of preserving a lynx habitat."