Burning Rage of a Dying Planet:
The FBI vs. The Earth Liberation Front
ISBN: 9781648412073
Book (Paperback)
Microcosm Publishing
256 pages
Publication Date: July 9, 2024
An inside view of radical environmentalism
A harrowing, captivating firsthand history of the rise of the radical environmental movement the Earth Liberation Front (ELF). Since 1997, the ELF has inflicted over $100 million in damages on entities they believe to be causing environmental destruction, mostly through brazen arson attacks on timber companies, ski resorts, and car dealerships.
Former ELF spokesperson Craig Rosebraugh charts the history and ideology of the ELF and explores its tactics, successes, and limitations. Rosebraugh examines the question of whether or not violence is justifiable, along with the short- and long-term political benefits and drawbacks of using violence. He also offers a primer on the tactics of state repression and strategies the US government uses to destroy activist movements.
Whatever your view of direct action or violence, Burning Rage of a Dying Planet is an illuminating read for anyone seeking to understand radical environmental movements and the government’s response to them.
This revised and updated edition has a foreword by Extinction Rebellion co-founder Tamsin Omond..
Burning Rage of a Dying Planet
Speaking for The Earth Liberation Front
ISBN: 1590560647
Book (Paperback)
100% Recycled
Lantern Books
6 x 9
296 pages
August 2004
SYNOPSIS (From the publisher):
The Earth Liberation Front (ELF) has been active in the United States officially since 1997, causing more than $45 million in damages to various entities. As the organization continues to grow and expand its range of targets, ELF has taken an extreme position against individuals, corporations, and governments that, in the organization's view, places monetary gain ahead of the natural environment. Rejecting state sanctioned means of legal protest, ELF uses economic sabotage to inflict financial suffering on those deemed objectionable.
In February 2002, the FBI listed the ELF as the largest and most active US-based terrorist group. Although no one has died in any of these operations, ELF's campaign against loggers, SUV dealerships, and others it considers threats to the planet have galvanized and polarized the environmental movement.
Former ELF spokesperson Rosebraugh charts the history and ideology of ELF and explores their tactics, successes, and limitations. He shows how ELFers offer an uncompromising vision of an earth under assault from the forces of greed and corporate violence, and how they employ direct action against those they deem a threat to the planet.
Rosebraugh also examines the issues of whether violence is or is not justifiable, and the short- and long-term political benefits and drawbacks of using violence. Finally, he offers a trenchant vision of the future of the environmental movement, radical politics, and US democracy under the so-called Patriot Act.
Whatever your view of direct action or violence, Burning Rage of a Dying Planet is essential reading for those trying to understand the mindset and motivations of contemporary radical environmentalists.
Essays on the Necessity of Revolution in the USA
ISBN: 0974288470
Book (Paperback)
100% Recycled
Arissa Media Group
5.5 x 8.5
July 2009
SYNOPSIS (From the publisher):
This Country Must Change is an effort to further the discussion of the necessity of a fundamental political and social revolution in the United States. This book contains essays by twelve activists and authors, all who have demonstrated a lifelong commitment to revolutionary change. It is as inspiring as it is educational and a must read for anyone involved with or considering advocating for political or social change within the U.S. Arguing that reformist measures cannot be relied upon to correct the fundamental problems caused by the corporate elite and political structure in the United States, the contributing authors in this book are unified in their call for a significant revolutionary change in the United States of America.
The Logic of Political Violence
Lessons in Reform and Revolution
ISBN: 0974288411
Book (Paperback)
100% Recycled
Arissa Media Group
6 x 9
282 pages
January 2004
SYNOPSIS (From the publisher):
Within Westernized societies, particularly the United States, there has been a near-universal acceptance that nonviolent action has been the foundation on which the progress and/or success of political and social justice movements have been built. Yet, contrary to popular belief, political violence has played a crucial role in advancing historic justice struggles. This breakthrough study examines the historic roles that both nonviolence and political violence have played in international social and political movements. The profound and well-researched conclusions presented advocate the necessity of political and social revolution in the United States—using any means necessary. This is an excellent resource for those contemplating political and social change and for anyone involved in political and social movements, especially those wondering why single-issue pursuits rarely, if ever, are successful. Challenging the predominant societal norms on the political and social change process in the United States, this is an important contribution to the struggle that may very well become the new American revolution.